Orpustan-Love, D. (2018) Indigenous Theory of Health and Wellness. Oral presentation at the TIP Conference, Purdue University Global. presentations.
KMUD premiered the film, The Seven in One Way, directed by Matt Prine and based on the book, The Mill House Speaks: The Seven Pathways to the Ancestral Basque Homeland, all about their traditions valuing nature, family, community, inter-connectedness, reciprocity, belief, and generosity. You can hear the film premiere and a Q & A with the book's author, Denise Orpustan-Love, here on KMUD Public Affairs Soundcloud Page:
An Exploration into Basque Spiritualism is a heuristic, qualitative research study, situated within an ethnic paradigm, that examines the experience of Basque Spiritualism as a way of healing from unresolved grief.
Conference Presentations
Orpustan-Love, D. (2017, October 28) Keynote Speaker at the Bi-Annual Basque Cultural Day in San Francisco, CA.
Orpustan-Love, D. (2014, March) Humanistic Online Teaching. Paper presented virtually at the INTED14: 8th International Technology Education and Development Conference in Valencia, Spain
Orpustan-Love, D. (2013, July) 10 First Impressions: Personalizing the Diverse Online Classroom. Paper presented virtually at the EDULEARN13: 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona, Spain
Orpustan-Love, D. (2012, July) The Seven Pathways: A Cross-Cultural Assessment Framework. Paper presented virtually at the 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Barcelona, Spain
Orpustan-Love, D., (2014, March 13-16) Humanistic Online Learning. Oral presentation at the 7th Annual Society for Humanistic Psychology Conference in Palo Alto, CA
Orpustan-Love, D. (2018) Indigenous Theory of Health and Wellness. Oral presentation at the TIP Conference, Purdue University Global.
Orpustan-Love, D. & AuCoin, D. (2020) Wellness-Informed University. Co-presentation at the 12th Annual Virtual General Education Conference, Purdue University Global.
Orpustan-Love, D. (2023). Le Moulin Parle: Sept Voies vers la Terre Ancestrale Basque. Independently Published.
Orpustan-Love D. (2017). The Mill House Speaks: Seven Pathways to Our Ancestral Basque Homeland. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Reno, Center for Basque Studies Press
Orpustan-Love, D. (2009). An Exploration into Basque Spiritualism: A Heuristic Study. Koln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers
Book Chapters
Lewis, L.A. & Orpustan-Love, D. (2019). Blog post and digital poster. In L. Hitchcock, M. Sage, & N.J. Smyth. Teaching Social Work with Digital Technology. Alexandra, VA: CSWE Press.
Re-print of Orpustan-Love, D., The Unintentional Harm of Compassion Fatigue. Academic Exchange Quarterly, SIB book – Health Education
Volume 10 - ISBN 0-9709895-1-10
http://www.rapidintellect.com/AE/8si-3-health.htm (free)
Journal Articles
Orpustan-Love, D. (2014, Summer as Editor’s Choice). The Unintentional Harm of Compassion Fatigue. Academic Exchange Quarterly.
Volume 18, Issue 2 http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/index.htm
Orpustan-Love, D. (2013). The Three Portals: A Cross-Cultural Theory and Model for Social Work Practice. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, Volume 7, Issue 3
Orpustan-Love, D. (2014, March) Humanistic Online Teaching. Proceedings from INTED14: 8th International Conference on Technology Education and Development, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Orpustan-Love, D. (2013) 10 First Impressions: Personalizing the Diverse Online Classroom. Proceedings from EDULEARN13: 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), pp. 5960-5964
Orpustan-Love, D. (2011, April). Cross-Cultural Mental Health: Sprouting into Spring. Center for the Helping Professions.
Orpustan-Love, D. (2009, Winter) An Ounce of Prevention. Health Scene: Journal of Wellness and Good Health.
Orpustan-Love, Denise (2019, April) Continuing the Circle: A Tribute to my Mentor. Purdue Alumni Association.
Orpustan-Love, Denise (2020, February) Writer and Producer of The Seven in One Way, short documentary. Premiere at the 38th Anniversary at the Basque Cultural Center in San Francisco, CA.
Research Grants
Legacy Grant, Basque Educational Organization of the San Francisco Basque Cultural Center, CA. funding from The Angeles Arrien Cross-Cultural Foundation for Education & Research, Awarded 2014. Principal Investigator. Ethnography Research in Basque Country, France.
J'allume une bougie en l'honneur de ta lumière-
la lumière qui est en chacun de nous-
la lumière qui nous guide dans les nuits les plus sombres
dans les cavernes les plus profondes de notre âme.
Une lumière qui nous apprend à avoir confiance en sa sagesse, sa beauté, sa bonté.
Nos vies sont redevables à sa magnificence.
Chaque respiration que nous prenons est pour écouter ses messages,
Pour honorer ses cadeaux,
Pour restaurer sa prime.
Elle aime de tout son éclat-
Ses étoiles filantes.
Ses feuilles tombées.
Elle nous caresse de sa douce brise,
Nous calme après la force de ses tempêtes.
Nous ne sommes dans sa grâce que pour un temps-
Un moment pour l'aimer
Pour la guérir
Se battre pour elle
Pour lui donner des leçons
Pour partager sa vision.
Déployez vos ailes et volez chez vous.
-Denise Orpustan-Love